Cookies Policy

Updated on 26 October 2023

The purpose of this Cookies Policy is to inform you about how we collect your Personal Data in our capacity as a Controller, using cookies present on our Website and Platform.

Please note that all terms written with a capital letter not defined in this Cookies Policy will have the meaning given to them here.

1. What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your device when you visit the Website or Platform (hereinafter the “Cookie” or “Cookies”). We use Cookies to collect information about your browsing, preferences, and settings, so that we can provide you with personalised content and services and analyze your actions on our Website and Platform.

We have developed a Cookie management system on our Website (hereinafter the “Consent Management Platform” or “CMP”), allowing you to view all the Cookies we use and to accept or reject any or all of them at any time, except those necessary for the Website and Platform to operate.

Some Cookies are strictly necessary for our Website and Platform to function. Since they are essential, the Personal Data protection laws and regulations do not require us to gather your consent for them. These Cookies are listed in the following paragraphs of this Cookies Policy.

You can accept or reject other Cookies by clicking on the “Cookies” button in the Website footer at any time.

2. What Cookies do we use?

  • Strictly necessary technical Cookies

Technical Cookies are necessary for the Website and Platform to function correctly. These are used throughout your browsing session, to run the main features. Without these Cookies, the Visitor would be unable to use the Website or the Platform normally.

We use the following technical Cookies: 

Strictly necessary technical Cookies on our Website and our Application :







Save your choice regarding the use of cookies     


Save your choice regarding the use of cookies         

3 months

Consent statistics

Analyzes your choice regarding the use of cookies    


Distinguishes users.

13 months


Collects data to improve the performance of the site and aims to correct any site malfunctions


A cookie used to aggregate all events generated by a single user session across multiple pages. It contains the current session ID and the expiry date of the session. The cookie is extended for an additional 15 minutes each time the user interacts with the website, up to the maximum duration of the user session     

4 hours


To provide an online communication service for the user of the site (chat bot)


Cookie for anonymous identification of visitors. Cookie deposited when visiting the site.

9 months


This cookie is set to activate the conversational agent when the user visits the operator's site, and is refreshed each time the connection is successful, extending it for a week from that point. Thus the user can access and retain conversations with the conversational agent until the session is intentionally terminated, which usually occurs at logout

1 week


Improves user experience by tracking browsing data if non-strictly necessary cookies have been accepted


If user experience and advertising cookies have been accepted, this cookie tracks visitor usage, events and targeted marketing.

1 session


Identifies a specific visitor; this information is used to identify the number of visitors to a site.

1 year

Strictly necessary technical Cookies on our Application :







Maximize network resources, manage traffic, and protect' websites from malicious traffic     


Reads and filters requests from bots         

30 minutes



Enables single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and attack protection    


Cookie de repli pour auth0 dans le cas où un navigateur ancien ne supporte pas que sameSite soit défini sur None.

3 days


Identifies and tracks visitors, their usage of website, and their website access preferences


Fallback cookie for auth0 in the event that an older browser does not support sameSite being set to None.

1 session


Uses the Beamer application to manage the news sidebar. This cookie stores the date of the user's first visit to the site in order to display recent updates.

1 session


Uses the Beamer application to manage the news sidebar. This cookie stores an internal identifier for this user.

1 session

  • User experience Cookies

Cookies for personalising the user experience enable us to offer you the content most likely to correspond to your interests in the light of your browsing profile. Your browsing profile is established according to the content you have already consulted.

We use the following content personalisation Cookies:

User experience Cookies on our Website and our Application :








Collects your trial, contact or demo requests


Identifies a visitor when submitting a form and is used for contact deduplication           

13 months


Follows up on sessions and determines if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie      


30 minutes


Determines if the visitor has restarted their browser                  

1 session


Stores timestamp data                  

13 months


Set by Cloudflare, HubSpot’s CDN provider, to enable it to detect malicious visitors to our website and minimizes blocking legitimate users                  

30 days



Help us to test and personalize our website


This cookie is created to detect if the cookies are enabled on the visitor’s browser or not. It also helps in tracking the number of browser sessions a visitor has gone through. The value of this cookie is always 1  

1 session


This cookie tracks session created for a visitor, i.e., the number of times the browser was closed and reopened.      

100 days


This cookie is created for each cross-domain campaign. It generates a unique id for every visitor and is used for the report segmentation feature in VWO. It also allows you to view data in a refined manner                 

10 years


This cookie stores persistent visitor-level data for VWO Insights          

1 session


This cookie stores session-level information                  

30 mins and reset again to 30 mins on visitor activity


This cookie calculates unique traffic on a website                  

366 days

  • Audience measurement Cookies

Audience measurement Cookies allow us to produce traffic and browsing statistics about our Website and Platform to improve our performance. The Cookies we use also help us to identify navigation issues and ultimately resolve them.

We use the following audience measurement Cookies:

Audience measurement Cookies on our Website et our Application :






Google Analytics

Analyzes site audiences


Distinguishes users

13 months


Distinguishes users

24 hours


Reduces the demand rate

1 minute


Retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service

30 seconds to 12 months


Contains information about user interactions with advertising campaigns

90 days


Stores data related to ads clicked through Google Adsense

3 months

  • Marketing cookies

Third-party platform Cookies can be created not only by our Website and Platform but also by other Websites that post advertisements, announcements, widgets or other elements on the page displayed. Among other things, these Cookies may be used to measure the effectiveness of our advertising.

We recommend that you check the data protection policies of the companies behind these Cookies to learn about the purpose for which the browsing information they may  collect through Cookies is used and how you can exercise your rights.

We use the following social media Cookies:

Marketing Cookies on our Website :







Identifies users from Linkedin


Optimizes data center selection

1 day


Synchronizes LinkedIn Ads ID

30 days


Ensures there is correct SameSite attribute for all cookies in the browser

1 year


Remembers a user's language setting

End of session (website closed)


Identifies users from Facebook


Identifies users

3 months

Marketing Cookies on our Website and Application :






Google Ads Optimization

This service is mostly used for showing advertisements


to provide ad delivery or retargeting, store user preferences

6 months


Records your consent choices

13 months


Stores your cookie preferences

2 years


Ensures that requests made during a browsing session actually come from the user and not from other sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites from usurping the user's identity and acting without their knowledge.     

6 months


To provide ad delivery or retargeting.     

1 month

Bing Ads

This service is mostly used to track user activity after relvant ad interaction on the Bing Ads network


Store and track visits across websites.

1 day


Contains the expiry date of the cookie with the corresponding name



Store and track visits across websites.

13 months


Contains the expiry date of the cookie with the corresponding name     



Indicates whether the MUID should be refreshed.     

1 week


Identifies the unique web browsers that visit Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analysis and other operational purposes.     

1 year


Identifies unique Web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analysis and other operational purposes.     

1 year


This service is mostly used for heat maps and screen recordings


Persists the Clarity user ID and preferences, unique to this site is assigned to the same user ID.

1 year


Stores a unique identifier for the user.

1 session


Connects several pages viewed by a user into a single Clarity session record.

1 year



1 session


Identifies the first time Clarity saw this user on a Clarity-enabled site.     

1 day


used by Microsoft to store a user's session identifier. This cookie ensures that clicks on Bing search engine ads are verified and is used for reporting and personalisation purposes.     

1 session


Indicates whether the MUID should be refreshed.     

1 week


Identifies the unique web browsers that visit Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analysis and other operational purposes.     

1 year


Used to synchronise the MUID between Microsoft domains.     

1 session

3. How can you manage your Cookie preferences?

The use of Cookies that are strictly necessary for our Website and Platform to function is activated by default and does not require your consent. Nonetheless, you can find information about these Cookies on our CMP and in this Cookies Policy. 

All other Cookies are subject to your consent. You can therefore accept or reject them from the CMP in the Website footer, by clicking on the “Cookies” button. Your Cookies preferences are retained for a period of six (6) months. You are welcome to amend your choices at any time by clicking on the “Cookies” button in the Website footer.

In addition to managing your consent via our CMP, you can set your browser to accept or reject certain Cookies. Each browser offers different settings options:

  • On Google Chrome: you can manage your settings here.
  • On Safari: you can manage your settings here.
  • On Firefox: you can manage your settings here.
  • On Internet Explorer: you can manage your settings here.
  • On Opera: you can manage your settings here.

4. Amendments to this Cookies policy

We may amend this policy at any time, particularly in order to comply with any regulatory, jurisprudential or technical developments. We will notify you of any updates through our Website, and in particular by publishing the updated CMP. We invite you to consult this page regularly by referring to the date of the last update shown at the top of this page. 

5. Contact us

If you have any questions about this policy or any requests concerning your Personal Data, you can contact us by completing the form available here.