Main definitions
In these general conditions, the following terms will be considered as having the meanings attributed to them hereafter when beginning with a capital letter:
The API made available to the Client and integrated within its IT system, for which the documentation concerning its functional and technical characteristics may be accessed at the following address:
The online Application published by Yousign and accessible on the Website in "SaaS" mode (Software as a Service), for which the documentation concerning its functional and technical characteristics may be accessed at the following address:
Customer Account
The account opened on the Website for the Client, to enable it to use the Services.
User Accounts
The accounts opened on the Website for each User, dependent on the Customer Account. Each User Account is issued on a name-basis and is personal to the User concerned.
Client Documents
The Client’s documents concerned by the electronic signature, electronic archiving and server seal signature Services as defined in the present general conditions.
Evidence File
The files containing all of the data and information concerning the use of the electronic signature and server seal signature Services by the Client or a User.
Customer Space
The interface reserved for the Client, which the Client and Users may access via the Customer Account and the User Accounts, enabling them to manage their use of the Services.
Confidential Information
All information and/or data of any form and nature including among others all written or printed documents, all computer files, samples, models and/or knowledge, whether protectable or not by intellectual property rights, in addition to all written or verbal information including that of a business, financial, administrative, legal or technical nature, belonging to a Party or relating to it, to which the other Party shall have access during the provision of the Services, for which the Party communicating this information has unequivocally stated its confidential nature, or, in the case of verbal or visual communication, or communication via a written medium, has verbally stated its confidential nature at the time it was communicated. Among others, the term "Confidential Information" includes the Client Documents and more generally any data, information or documents supplied by the Client to Yousign for the purpose of this agreement.
Certification Policies
The policies implemented by Yousign to provide the Services in compliance with the standards for which it is certified, the technical documentation for which may be accessed on the Website in the "Certifications" section.
All of the services proposed by Yousign, described in the article "Description of the Services".
Third-Party Signatories
The natural persons who are to sign the Client Documents by means of the electronic signature Service, who are not Users using the Services.
The website, operated by Yousign.
Third-Party Archiver
The archiving service provider to which Yousign has subcontracted the performance of the electronic archiving Service. The identity of the Third-Party Archiver will be supplied by Yousign to the Client by any appropriate written means, during the providing of the electronic archiving Service.
Members of the Client’s personnel and staff selected by the Client to use the Services defined in this agreement.
Social regulations
Yousign declares that it complies with the applicable tax and social security legislation, that it is up-to-date with the payment of its social security contributions and that it is in a position to provide proof of compliance with the various obligations applicable in this field, at the Client’s request. Upon request from the Client, Yousign agrees to provide it with the following documents, as often as necessary, until the end of performance of the Services: