The electronic signature of employment contract amendments
A successful negotiation leading to the amendment of an employment contract must be followed up promptly. What could be more logical, in this case, to opt for a digital signature that offers the advantage of both speed and security?
Get your employment contract amendments signed online with Yousign's electronic signature solutions

Is it possible to sign employment contract amendments with a digital signature?
Human resources and recruitment departments often find themselves at the heart of delicate negotiations between management and employees. Discussions can last for several months until an agreement is reached. However, once the agreement has been reached, the next steps need to be acted upon quickly. Once the parties agree to sign a contract addendum, the aim is to have it signed pronto so the new contractual conditions can be adopted as quickly as possible.
HR must demonstrate their ability to "get things done" in record time… Not so simple if the contract amendment concerns several employees in the company.
The best solution is to opt for the electronic signature, which allows changes in employment contracts to be actioned with record efficiency. It is ideal for contract addenda, which can be signed by all employees and then retrieved by HR in a single day.
The digital signature process takes just a few minutes. Just go through a certified solution that will guarantee the validity of the signature process as well as the confidentiality of exchanges between human resources and employees. Employees will receive the document digitally and can consult and sign it via a secure authentication system. Upon signature, human resources, management, and the employee will all receive a copy of the signed document.
Depending on your national legislation, Yousign's team will steer you towards the most suitable digital signature solution.
Optimise your personnel management thanks to the digital signature
Simplify document management
Simplify document management
Send, sign, and receive all your contract amendments from a single online platform that can be integrated with your business tools (ATS, HRIS, etc.).
Accelerate the implementation of agreements
Accelerate the implementation of agreements
Facilitate the validation of contract addenda and centralise all employees’ signatures in record time, allowing the rapid implementation of new contracts.
Protect your contracting process
Protect your contracting process
Benefit from legally valid electronic signatures and a solution that ensures the confidentiality of your exchanges.
The eSignature of contract addenda with Yousign
Validation workflows
Easily create automated workflows for proofreading, validating, and signing documents
Automatic reminders
Automate and personalize your reminders after you have sent your documents to be signed
Contact book
Manage all your contacts, signatories and collaborators directly in your application
Secure document storage
Encrypt and store your signed contracts on an eIDAS-certified and GDPR-compliant application
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