3 min

Updated on Mar 22, 2023

Published on Jul 6, 2022

eSignature API: (automation + customisation) ²

Digitale signature API
Thomas Choukroun

Thomas Choukroun

Content Manager @Yousign

Illustration: Nicolas Simon


In day-to-day business, documents pile up on the desk.  Orders, business partners, employees - the company grows. And for it to function properly from a legal point of view, contracts are necessary. Signing a contract usually involves many steps. On the one hand, the required data must be collected, and on the other hand, the contract must be signed by all partners involved. Both of these steps are time consuming for your company, as obtaining signatures by mail, in particular, is very time consuming.

How about a much faster solution?
This is exactly what the eSignature allows you to do: Create contracts with master data from your own tools and transmit them digitally to your business partners for signature. With the Digital Signature API, contracts are validly signed with just a few clicks.

Digitize your contracts using the digital signature

We live in the digital age. More and more processes are taking place online, the use of paper contracts is outdated. Do you still receive a lot of mail by post? Invoices, catalogs, etc. are now largely sent to us by e-mail. Why don't you scan important contracts as well?

For some, the electronic signature may seem insecure at first: A valid signature from the computer? Anyone could be sitting behind the screen. Well, no, it's not! Signing contracts by electronic signature has been declared valid by the EU, and rightly so: cryptographic processes ensure that the contracting parties are identified and cannot alter the documents after they have been signed. Therefore, the electronic signature is legal.

Electronic signature at the speed of light, thanks in particular to interfaces

A digital, legally binding and authenticated signature - an innovation! But that's not all: Excellent software not only offers you the possibility of electronically signing your documents, but also provides you with an application programming interface (API for short). Instead of transferring data from one program to another, we have created intelligent programming interfaces for our e-signature solution that allow you to easily connect to your own tools.

Electronic signatures are a modern way of sharing documents and signing contracts. This method is even more innovative when the program used has an application interface that is perfectly suited to your business. Every company uses different programs to secure and edit master data. Many digital signature programs work independently and require you to re-enter master data. Yousign has an interface and integrates easily with your business tools, whether it is DMS, ECM, CMS, HCM, CRM, ERP, BPM, etc. Forget about unnecessary work - draw up contracts in a few clicks and get all the necessary signatures in no time!

High level of customisation

The optimal software solution for the e-signature process has a powerful API that is easy to integrate and also allows users to create custom tools. Instead of running several systems at the same time, the digital signature program is integrated with your tools. And not only that: with Yousign you can make user experience adjustments for each document to sign. Customisation is the keyword. For example, it is possible to customise the signing flow for the signers (colours, logo, header, etc). Other customisations are also available regarding notifications management and user’s journey.

Automate your contracts with programming interfaces and APIs

All too often, there is too long a delay between the drafting of a contract and its conclusion. Several factors play a role in this:

  • The insertion of data into the document. Several programs are often used to transmit the data.
  • The sending of documents to the contracting parties. On the one hand, printing work has a cost, and on the other hand, companies depend on postal services.
  • The return is done by post.

Opt for electronic signature software and stop wasting time! Thanks to the sophisticated programming and integration with your existing tools, the data transfer takes only a few seconds. As soon as the contract is established, the sender can ask the contracting parties to sign it. With reliable authentication, electronic signatures are therefore easy to achieve.

Electronic signature + API = You move with the times…

... and time is on your side. Yousign is a software solution that offers you all the benefits of an electronic signature integrated with your own systems. Have you already switched to digital documents? With the Yousign API, secure authentication to access business contracts is no longer an issue. Each contracting party must identify themselves using the electronic signature function, with their ID card or security code. Say goodbye to document holders, PDFs, Word or Excel documents are signed in a few clicks. This includes real-time tracking of signatures as well as document sealing.

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25 000+ growing SMBs trust Yousign to sign their documents

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