2 min

Updated on Apr 18, 2024

Published on Jul 6, 2022

Distance teaching: new tools for new ways

enseignement à distance outils numériques
Pauline Dubois

Pauline Dubois

Content manager @Yousign

Illustration: Mélusine Vilars


Distance teaching became a habit following the various lockdowns that happened in 2020. The pandemic we've known drastically changed the way we learn and the way we teach. There is a real need for change !

Are you part of the administrative or teaching staff in universities or (under)graduate schools? 👩‍🏫

We know how much of a whirlwind the switch between traditional teaching methods and digital methods has been for all of you.

Our team has drawn a list of your needs and we took out three digital tools that will make your lives easier through: 

1️⃣ Administrative management and digital signatures
2️⃣ "Virtual classrooms"

Streamline your signatures

Over the last few years, Yousign accompanied the education sector in their efforts to full digitisation.

The last few months have accelerated distance teaching in an effort to enforce preventative measures 😷

Our objective : allow you to easily and peacefully sign all your documents through an e-signature that's simple to use and extremely secure 🔧

Yousign simplicité

As part of the administrative staff of a university, you have to deal with a lof contracts, and you have to manage hundreds of student files and teachers' contracts.
📚 What documents are we exactly talking about ? Work contracts, internship agreements, ...

At the enrollment stage of the journey, you have to welcome hundreds of students:
📚 enrollment forms and school rulebooks

As a teacher, you have to track your students' attendance so as to keep an environment that favours learning.

📚Attendance sheets

solution digitale Yousign

Distance teaching in a virtual room

While it's true that blending learning has improved since January, a vast majority of teachers still teach remotely.   

Two very natural question then aris among teachers:

  • "how can we manage a class while enforcing the government's health measures?"
  • "how can we keep human interaction while not being physically in the classroom ?"

The key to avoiding student disengagement ?

Well, the key is to gather your students and implement a synchronous activities calendar.
You put the spotlight on practice, class exchanges and sharing !
If it means going a bit slower than the curriculum would like you to go, then so be it !
Technology allows you to do better and try something new.

Glowbl virtually reproduces the environment of a real classroom. Everything is made in a way that's easy to use, incredibly fun and familiar. Glowbl gives an important place to the human being that is sitting behind their computer.

outil pédagogique Glowbl

Did you know?

Standford students created a virtual campus to recapture the university experience.

Reminder 💡

The health crisis we're going through definitely pushed teachers to find new ways to teach.

A lot of new web tools and stakeholders stepped up to help teachers and administrative staff.

We truly hope that this article has helped you and your colleagues figure out new ways to teach during the pandemic. 

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