1 min

Updated on Jul 31, 2024

Published on Jul 6, 2022

Electronic signature: an ally in tomorrow's HR challenges

Image curriculum vitae
Thomas Choukroun

Thomas Choukroun

Content Manager @Yousign

Illustration: Mélusine Vilars


At a time when the world of work is undergoing profound change, this article looks at the evolution of recruitment, training and space management methods in companies.

In a context of profound transformation both in terms of work and the economy, companies must strongly rethink the organisation of work and the management of labour relations. Digitalisation processes have accelerated considerably, including in human resources departments, which are called upon to meet several challenges.
On today's agenda: 

  • the transformation of a multitude of processes, such as recruitment methods,
  • training and workspace management.

How does the electronic signature facilitate remote working?

The rise of smart working - particularly in the services sector - is a perfect illustration of this transformation and forms the backdrop to a change in work contracts and recruitment management. The electronic signature is an essential tool for meeting the challenges facing HR professionals in the future. It is also proving invaluable to companies seeking to keep pace.

Electronic signature for the recruitment sector

In the case of new hires, the remote electronic signature simplifies the process as much as possible from an administrative point of view and thus allows the associated formalities to be completed with optimum efficiency. The ability to sign contracts directly electronically reduces waiting times and makes the whole process more fluid, resulting in better communication between the parties.

The remote signature is naturally the ideal ally for temporary employment agencies, which, thanks to the speed of the electronic signature process, are able to find and recruit temporary workers for their clients more quickly.

The electronic signature to enhance the coworkers' experience

The eSignature is not only beneficial to HR professionals in the context of digitising contracts and streamlining recruitment procedures: it can be applied to all documents managed by Human Resources. HR managers can free themselves from the usual administrative burden and devote their time and resources to improving not only the quality of their employees' work, but also the working relationship with them.

Simplifying document management, speeding up document archiving and reducing deadlines all ensure optimal organisation of personnel management. The result is an increase in satisfaction throughout the entire company.

Optimised space and time management thanks to electronic signature

The benefits of electronic signatures in the face of HR challenges are not limited to simplifying the recruitment process and improving personnel management.

A tool such as Yousign also allows the company to optimise the management of working space and time, and thus increase the quality of employee contribution.

Thanks to the remote management of the process of creating and editing documents and contracts and the automation of all operations, you will no longer even need a dedicated physical space to carry out certain actions. 

The outcome: optimised common spaces, with a significant economic impact.

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