Make your financial agreements faster and more secure

Discover secure, certified eSignature solutions for all your documents.

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More than 15 000 beloved customers in Europe

on G2

Optimise your financial management processes

A reliable and secure solution for financial markets and asset management specialists, accessible anytime, anywhere.

  • Security and confidentiality

    Use a secure platform and encrypted communications to work with your clients in total security.

  • Compliance

    All your signatures comply with the European eIDAS Directive and have real legal value.

  • At the heart of your tools

    Easily integrate our powerful API in your management tools.

Yousign for finance and asset management

Get an efficient solution that is available at any time to boost your business.

  • zen

    Simplified document management

    Track all your documents during the signing process from a comprehensive dashboard.

  • workflow

    Intelligent workflows

    Create custom document review, approval and signature workflows to automate your document management.

  • signature

    A new signing experience

    Improve your image with a service that combines efficiency and professionalism.


What about Fintechs?

Are you a fast-growing fintech?
Yousign helps SaaS vendors in the finance sector to roll out eSignature within their tools to help accelerate their development.


Start your free 14-day trial

15 000+ growing SMBs trust Yousign to sign their documents

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