Yousign electronic signature services allow you to take your final step towards going paperless. Forget about printers and transform your administrative procedures by digitalising them bit by bit.
By using our app or by integrating the digital signature directly into your tools, we offer you eSignature services tailored to your specific needs.
Yousign works in partnership with Arkhineo, a European certified archiver, to offer you a digital archiving service that fulfils all of the key requirements, ensuring the security and traceability of your documents.
Files of each of your digital signatures will be stored for 10 years by CDC Arkhineo and can be easily accessed through the eSignature app.
CDC Arkhineo is an eIDAS certified third-party archiver. Its digital archiving infrastructure has some of the highest levels of security, guaranteeing the integrity and sustainability of your documents.
Yousign stores your signed documents using its electronic signature service and it creates a digital archive of the file records. Storage relates to saving digital copies of the documents online. Archiving serves a second function and this is carried out in accordance with strict rules. It allows you to keep your original digital documents safe, all while respecting the conservation deadlines imposed by your profession and the duration of administrative usefulness.
Yousign store your documents on secure servers allowing you to access them at any time from the digital signature app. This storage service keeps documents that have been uploaded and signed on your app. They will remain accessible for the duration of your time using Yousign services.
A file record is created for each electronic signature, allowing you to check the identity of the signatory and ensure that the signature procedure is complete. The file records are systematically and legally archived for a period of 10 years by our partner CDC Arkhineo.
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