2 min

Updated on Apr 18, 2024

Published on Jul 6, 2022

eSignature application: Try Yousign!

Try Yousign
Thomas Choukroun

Thomas Choukroun

Content Manager @Yousign

Illustration: Léa Coiffey


In the complicated world of technology, there are smartphones, computers, macs, PCs...in short: all sorts of different tools that work with tiny components designed to make your life very hard.

If you've arrived on this article, it's because you're looking for an electronic signature application that can work very simply, efficiently and securely. Good news: you've come to the right place.

Why an electronic signature application?

The first question that comes to mind seems logical enough: why opt for an electronic signature application? You see that 150-page contract lying on the corner of your desk? Yes, the one you've had to initial and sign for a few days now and haven't touched due to lack of time (or even will, who knows?).

Ah, there's also that permanent contract you sent to your future employee a few weeks ago, and you still haven't received it back. In fact, it's been two weeks since you sent it, isn't it? Either the postal services have lost it, or your candidate has finally changed his mind...

Well, both of these situations, which undoubtedly generate an amount of boiling anxiety in you, can be largely avoided through the use of a proper e-signature application. With the Yousign electronic signature application, the contract on the corner of your desk is directly accessible from the application. You can therefore initial it quickly and send it to your recipient for signature.

In this respect, having an electronic signature application will also allow you to secure your most sought-after profiles, particularly in the case of a recruitment for example. Postal deadlines are variable and capricious, and obtaining the signature of a new hire often hangs by a thread.  It is therefore essential to have an electronic signature application that gives you speed and efficiency.

Choose a secure electronic signature application

Your elected candidate who does not answer you, the postal servicewhich is late in delivering the contracts you are waiting to sign... All that is missing is the addition of security problems! Speaking of security... Where does an esignature application stand? Good question!

Yousign's signature application is eIDAS certified and complies with the regulations in force at French and European level. The European regulations on electronic signatures are extremely clear and above all precise. Any electronic signature application must comply with them without any hesitation. 

Moreover, the eIDAS regulation provides for 3 levels of electronic signatures, which we have explained in this article. In essence, each level of signature has a corresponding security level. But it is important to remember that there is no "right" level of electronic signature, it is all a question of balance between use and simplicity.

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A signature application? For what purposes?

If the two examples mentioned above do not ring a bell, you may need to know what uses are associated with electronic signature applications. 

It would be complicated to make an exhaustive list of all the uses of electronic signatures. However, we can mention: 

  • HR needs: permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, apprenticeship contracts, mutual insurance companies,
  • Commercial needs (purchase/sales): purchase orders, quotes, calls for tender, commercial contracts, promises of sale,
  • Real estate needs: rental leases, real estate sales contracts, sales agreements, mandates, inventory of fixtures,
  • Insurance needs: home insurance, civil liability, life insurance, car insurance, health insurance,
  • ...

And of course, the signature is done directly in the electronic signature application, which can then manage the reminders if the signatories are a little too late! 

Finally, opting for an electronic signature application means opting for peace of mind and speed. No need for manual and clumsy processes. Thanks to an electronic signature application such as Yousign, you can get rid of the paper burden and concentrate on your core business!

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