As an insurer, you are more than aware that the car insurance sector is extremely competitive! Obtaining a car insurance signature as soon as possible guarantees growing turnover. Secure new contracts easily by implementing digital signatures for the car insurance contract.
Whether purchasing their first car, changing their vehicle, or simply wanting to change insurance companies, the choice of car insurance is always important for consumers.
In this highly competitive market, the electronic signature is a way to set your company apart from the competition.
Simple and practical, this digital signature allows you to secure contracts quickly via an online subscription process, ensuring your prospective client doesn’t change their mind when presented numerous options...
Electronic signatures must comply with the European eIDAS regulation in order to hold real legal value. The process is monitored by the governing authorities approved to certify the specialised companies that can offer this type of service.
Your country might have legislation requiring a specific level of electronic signature. The Yousign team will be able to help find the most suitable electronic signature process for your company.
Differentiate yourself from your competitors by offering a subscription process that is digitized from end-to-end and can be activated immediately.
Provide your customers with a complete, fast and smooth service which is free from administrative constraints from the comfort of their own home.
Benefit from an esignature certified at European level, holding real legal value.
Receive, consult and sign your documents wherever you are, from your computer or mobile phone
Benefit from a variety of secure authentication systems that guarantee the identity of your signatories
Access the Yousign application from any device: computer, tablet or mobile phone
Easily integrate signature solutions into your internal tools and automate your processes
Their agreements are powered by Yousign
and 15,000+ other beloved companies
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15 000+ growing SMBs trust Yousign to sign their documents