Grow your Business with eSignature

Designed specifically for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), our ISV Partners Program helps power your offering with a seamless eSignature solution. Join forces with Yousign to unlock added value for your customers, boost revenue, and stay ahead of the competition.

Trusted by 300+ software vendors

Unlock your Solution's Potential with eSignature

Take advantage of new opportunities by enhancing your software offering with comprehensive eSignature capabilities

  • New streams of revenue

    Expand your product portfolio by offering Yousign’s leading eSignature API to your customers and capture new business opportunities.

  • Seamless experience

    Yousign’s eSignature solution offers a seamless integration process, ensuring a frictionless and intuitive experience for you and your customers.

  • Competitive advantage

    Elevate your product’s value by adding a comprehensive eSignature solution as part of your software offering, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Benefit from Unmatched Value and Expertise

Our commitment goes beyond providing you with our powerful eSignature solution: we are dedicated to delivering an exceptional experience and providing unparalleled support to ensure your success.

  • Easy integration

    Integrate our solution effortlessly with our robust API and developer-friendly documentation.

  • Dedicated team

    Leverage expert support throughout your partnership journey, from integration assistance to ongoing technical guidance.

  • Valuable resources

    Gain access to marketing and sales materials to promote our joint offering and effectively market and sell eSignature.

Tailor eSignature to your business needs

Each one of our partners has unique requirements and business models, which is why we strive to offer flexibility and customization to cater to your specific needs.

Reselling model

  • Purchase our eSignature solution and resell it at the price point you desire.
  • Take complete autonomy over the management and sale of the eSignature solution to align it with your business strategy.

A Business Model for your Specific Needs

If you have specific requirements or needs, we're ready to work with you to create a model that aligns perfectly with your objectives. Our dedicated team will collaborate with you to develop a tailored partnership approach.

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the benefits of becoming a Yousign ISV partner?

    By becoming a Yousign ISV partner, you can offer value-added services to your clients, generate new revenue streams, increase your profit margins, retain clients on your platform, attract new clients, and reduce customer churn.

  • Why should I integrate eSignature into my software?

    Integrating eSignature into your software allows you to enhance the market value of your product and expand your product portfolio by offering Yousign's eSignature to your clients, seizing new business opportunities. It provides a simple, seamless eSignature experience while complying with relevant regulations.

  • Can I resell eSignature at the price I want?

    Yes, you have complete autonomy in managing and selling the signatures. You can resell them at a higher, lower, or the same price as Yousign's public rates.

  • Is the solution easy to integrate?

    Yes, we offer one of the smoothest and easiest integrations in the market. You can refer to our documentation and create a free Sandbox environment for testing purposes for 40 days.

  • Who will be my contacts at Yousign?

    At Yousign, you will have well-identified contacts, including a sales partner, a pre-sales engineer, a Customer Success Manager (CSM), and a technical support team who will assist you with various aspects of the partnership.

  • Is there a limit to the number of clients I can resell to?

    No, there are no limitations on the number of clients you can resell to. You can sell signatures to as many clients as you wish, maximizing your sales potential.

Take the next step towards partnership success

Let's discuss how we can empower your business together.

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